Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I can't make up my mind

I've been changing things on my blog (style, colors, title). It's new and I'm trying to get it to feel right to me. It's kind of how I decorate my house. I move things around, put things on the wall and then take them down, buy new stuff, buy more new stuff, and just keep rearranging until it feels right. So, it will probably keep changing for a few days!
Speaking of decorating, I'm finally going to get some window treatments. We've been in our apartment since January. We have a 5 month lease and have just decided to renew it (maybe for a year). I hadn't put up curtains or bought the entertainment center I want because we weren't sure if we would be in this place for more than 5 months. But, the kids like it, and David and I like it, so we're going to stay. Yeah! I can actually make it feel more like home! Now I need to decide what colors...
Sara is home sick again. I've decided I'm going to get scrapping today. I can't really go anywhere and the house is mostly clean. I've got to get a few things done for The Red Bee. I'll try to post them when I'm finished. Oh, that reminds me. I've got to figure our how to post pictures side by side. The photos that are on here now were my practice ones. They are cute, though!

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