Friday, May 21, 2010

Time for a new post!

Wow! Five months later...

We've moved. We are enjoying our little house. We've got a small garden in the backyard: corn, spinach, beans, zucchini, maybe some other stuff that I can't think of. It's really David's garden. Square foot gardening. He built the frame and mixed the soil, planted the seeds. Sara has a few things growing in pots, too.
I would like to get some living room furniture (our couch is in the family room) and some rugs. The living, dining rooms and hallways are hardwood. Maybe this summer I can at least get the rugs!
Work is winding down. Next week is my last week with kids. After that I've got a couple of weeks of "shutdown". Hope I can get everything done that I'd like! I'm planning on bringing a bunch of books home for the summer so I can be ready for the "I don't know what book to get" comments in the fall. Maybe my kids will read a few of them, too.
The only scrapbooking I've done of late is for the Red Bee. I've got a great little desk and everything set up, I just need a chair, so i haven't even used the space.
Lots of stuff going on this summer. I hope we can fit a vacation in there somewhere!