Thursday, April 30, 2009

no more matchy-matchy

I've got a problem. No seriously. I find these pictures in magazines and online of stuff that I love (home decorating, entertaining, etc.) but I have a hard time transferring those ideas into real stuff for our home. I love bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, orange, apple green. I love it when people use these kinds of colors in their decorating. I want to use them, too. Here's my problem: somehow I've trained my brain to think everything needs to match. I hate that! I'm not going to do that any more. I'm going to decorate with stuff I love whether it matches or not. I'm not kidding. I'm going to do it. Sorry David...there will be more changes. The poor guy has to put up with me decorating and re-decorating because I struggle with getting it right. I think if I just use things I (and the rest of the family) like, I won't always feel like I need to change things. I know, I know. In the big scheme of things this decorating business doesn't matter at all. But it's something I've been trying to figure out. At least figure out why I'm always unsatisfied with my results. After 16 years of decorating a home I think I've final figured it out. :) Do what you like people. Don't subscribe to "rules" when it comes to artistic things.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

enjoying Sunday

I had a nice day today. The sun was shining and it was warm. We went to church. Everything about it was good. It's so nice to be able to return each Sunday and feel the spirit and learn something new. We came home and had sandwiches for lunch, took naps, played Boggle, watched Glory Road (I know, it's not really a perfect Sunday movie, but it's due back at the library tomorrow). Then we had french toast for dinner and a couple of hours later, peach cobbler. Yum!
Tomorrow is back to work, but I'm looking forward to it because I was able to catch up on some stuff last week and I've got my lesson plans done for the rest of the year.

Sara and I went and saw Earth on Wednesday. It was really good. I highly recommend it. The filming is amazing!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.

This is thought to be the actual tomb where Christ's body was laid.
Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene after his resurrection.
I'm so grateful for the gift of the Atonement and that we, through Christ, have the opportunity to live with Heavenly Father again.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

more photos

Sara and Jenna doing art.

Dallin, Randy and Corey playing "a racing game". I think it was a big hit with Corey and Randy! Notice Dallin's "runner's tan" around his ankles!

David, Lauren and Sara at a Beckman High School track meet. It was unusually cloudy and cold...probably around 63*. Gosh, I love these guys!

Ok, so yesterday went by really fast and I didn't post again. But here I am a day later and posting! Yea!
Our family rode bikes to a farmer's market this morning. We rode for a little over 2 hours. So nice to have everyone together on a beautiful sunny day. We brought pb and j, chips, carrots, drinks and cookies. At the market we bought pita bread, tzatziki, artichoke hummus, apples, oranges and snow peas. We sat on the grass and had a yummy lunch. Of course, I forgot the camera. The kids were glad to hear that I'd left it sitting on the counter.
David got back from Kansas last night. He went for work. PacSun has a distribution center in Olathe and he goes just about once a month, usually for 3 days.
I'm behind (as usual) on Easter stuff. It's Saturday afternoon and I still don't have any food for tomorrow's dinner. I hope someone still has a ham left for me. Here's the menu I'm thinking we will have: ham, rolls, green beans (hopefully fresh...I forgot to pick them up at the farmer's market), mashed potatoes, gravy and sweet potato casserole. These are some random pictures of things we've been up to lately. Lauren experimenting with hair accessories. I love the blue flower. Dallin rode his first century. Notice the 100.97 miles on his bike computer. It took him 6 hours and 15 minutes. Sara playing tennis. Dallin at the beginning of one of his mountain bike races. He's in the middle of the photo looking away from the camera and wearing a black and white Sho-Air kit. Sara making cupcakes. They were cute with frosting grass on top and chocolate eggs in the grass. Happy Easter everyone!

Friday, April 10, 2009

I can't believe I've let this thing go for so long. I'm sorry blog. I'll be better about giving you attention and updates. But, this one is short. The lady that does our taxes needs me to answer a few questions. I'll be back later today and I'll even upload some pictures.