Sunday, April 26, 2009

enjoying Sunday

I had a nice day today. The sun was shining and it was warm. We went to church. Everything about it was good. It's so nice to be able to return each Sunday and feel the spirit and learn something new. We came home and had sandwiches for lunch, took naps, played Boggle, watched Glory Road (I know, it's not really a perfect Sunday movie, but it's due back at the library tomorrow). Then we had french toast for dinner and a couple of hours later, peach cobbler. Yum!
Tomorrow is back to work, but I'm looking forward to it because I was able to catch up on some stuff last week and I've got my lesson plans done for the rest of the year.

Sara and I went and saw Earth on Wednesday. It was really good. I highly recommend it. The filming is amazing!

1 comment:

Summer said...

Wow, that sounds so nice. We have Boggle but we never remember to get it out and play it. We need to start playing games more. And, I just noticed you changed the name of your blog. I like it.