Monday, March 24, 2008

It's been a very long time since I've posted. Spring Break has started! Yeah! The girls and I went to the pool and had some friends come over with us. It was very fun! The forecast was for 84* and I think it made it! Yesterday was Easter. Yummy baskets of candy and other little goodies. Church was great. It's always nice to focus on the Atonement/Crucifixion/Resurrection. I got to do Sharing Time for the primary kids. I had 12 Easter eggs, each with a scripture reference and little object to illustrate that particular scripture. I called up 12 kids (2 from each class) and had them choose an egg. They took the eggs back to the group and as a group they looked up the scripture and talked about how the item from the egg related. Then I called them up in order (the eggs were numbered) and the child would show us the item from their egg and then read the scripture(s) that went along with it. It was a great way to illustrate the story and be able to hit the highlights in 20 minutes. The kids seemed really interested in the story as I told it and we talked about it. And I have to say that I didn't come up with the items in the eggs on my own. I found it on a primary website.
After church we came home and David's cousin, Delos, his wife Misty and their 3 children came over for Easter dinner. They were visiting a friend in Oceanside. We had a nice dinner (ham, mashed potatoes/gravy, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, salad), took a walk to the park, came back and had dessert (lemon bars and ice-cream bars). We had a wonderful time talking with Delos and Misty and the kids had fun playing together. It was a very nice Sunday.
Now I'm looking at some beautiful daffodils on my table. I need to go to the mall and pick up two pair of jeans that I bought last week and had them hem. I also need to go to the library website and renew a couple of books since they are due today! Tomorrow I think we might ride bikes to the Farmers Market and the library. It's supposed to be a chilly 74*. Just kidding...about it being chilly. It really is supposed to be 74*.
I'm hoping to be getting a little bit of scrapbooking done this week. Maybe I can even post some pictures.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Here are some things that make me happy:

1. made beds
2. a spic and span laundry room and empty hampers
3. vaccum lines in my carpet
4. clean window/sliding door tracks
5. dinner in the crock pot
6. 1.5 hour hike w/two friends and my dog

I had a very productive day today. I even rode my bike to drop off the dry cleaning and went to Sara's classroom and read 5 stories to the students for Read Across America! I also watch the movie "The Queen", which I had checked out from the library. Then I returned the movie and some others books. I checked out three books: The Second Time Around by Mary Higgins Clark, Someday My Prince Will Come by Jerramy Fine (a book about her wanting to marry royalty and trying her darnedest to do it!) and A Simple Plan by Scott Smith (it was made into a movie that I didn't see).
Anyway, I'm feeling very good about all I was able to accomplish! I hope to keep up the momentum for the whole week.