Tuesday, August 21, 2007

On to Portland...

Dallin on the Alpenrose velodrome (he's in the white helmet), Lauren at the mall (because we don't have enough shopping here in Southern California), saying good-bye to our fabulous hostess, Michelle, and a stop in Ashland for lunch.

Monday, August 20, 2007

more trip pics

Sara on a swing that Grandpa made, Lauren and Abrie, Oregon Trail map at an Oregon trail site (very cool), my dad, Sara and I, cutie-patootie nephew Jacob

Some trip pics

Starting the road trip, Grandpa and Dallin with Sentemental Journey ( 1944 B-17), ice-cream at Shaniko, OR, the kids w/their Hermiston cousins, Sara getting riding lessons w/Grandpa.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finally home!

It's been a very good summer. Lots of sun and water. The kids and I just returned from a 2 1/2 week trip to Oregon to visit friends and family. It was fun and tiring. I'm glad to be home! We drove for two days (nine hours each day)and then spend Monday night through Sunday night with my parents and sister and her family in eastern Oregon. One of the highlights of the trip was watching my dad get to ride in a 1944 B-17. I'll post pictures this weekend. Then we drove to Portland where we stayed with our friends, Chris and Michelle. Lauren got to spend lots of time with her best friend, Anna and Dallin spent 3 mornings on the velodrome and then earned a silver medal in the OBRA state championship critirium.

I wanted to post a picture but haven't taken the trip photos off of my camera...so here is a favorite from earlier this summer.