Thursday, May 14, 2009

You Choose

I've discovered some books that I just love. They are "You Choose" books, Capstone Press. There are something like 20 titles and I recently ordered them all for our school library. They include the real history of the event, including names of people who actually participated. You read a few pages and then are asked to make a decision (ie: If you want to be a wealthy passenger turn to page___, if you want to be a 3rd class passenger turn to page___, if you want to be a crew member turn to page___). I've read a few of them aloud to 4th and 5th grade classes and when it's time to make a choice we do a vote. The kids absolutely LOVE it! They have been checking out the You Choose books and other books about the historical events we've read about. They are a great tool to get kids interested in history. We've read them aloud as a family, too. They're so fun! If you're interested, you can get paperback copies on Amazon for $6.95.