Thursday, April 30, 2009

no more matchy-matchy

I've got a problem. No seriously. I find these pictures in magazines and online of stuff that I love (home decorating, entertaining, etc.) but I have a hard time transferring those ideas into real stuff for our home. I love bright colors: red, turquoise, yellow, orange, apple green. I love it when people use these kinds of colors in their decorating. I want to use them, too. Here's my problem: somehow I've trained my brain to think everything needs to match. I hate that! I'm not going to do that any more. I'm going to decorate with stuff I love whether it matches or not. I'm not kidding. I'm going to do it. Sorry David...there will be more changes. The poor guy has to put up with me decorating and re-decorating because I struggle with getting it right. I think if I just use things I (and the rest of the family) like, I won't always feel like I need to change things. I know, I know. In the big scheme of things this decorating business doesn't matter at all. But it's something I've been trying to figure out. At least figure out why I'm always unsatisfied with my results. After 16 years of decorating a home I think I've final figured it out. :) Do what you like people. Don't subscribe to "rules" when it comes to artistic things.


Summer said...

Good advice. You can even take it one step further and not even bother with decorating. I put stuff up that people give me or that I collect somehow (that I like) and that's it. (Remember those pictures of fruit and an old window frame you gave me in OR? I still have those after all these years.) Hey, my home may lack any modern style, but decorating is one less thing for me to worry about. When I start thinking about it I get all stressed, so I just don't think about it. I do have to say though, that I always think your house is well put together. When I visit it makes me feel like I should do more decorating.

Stacey said...

Thanks Summer. I do remember the window frame (I recently got rid of mine and now wish I still had it) but not the fruit pictures. I think I watch too many decorating shows and get sucked into the "your-home-has-to-look-perfect-or-you're-not-good-enough" mind set. I don't judge others by their homes decor (or lack of it), but somehow I don't allow myself that same leyway. And I'm not saying my house has ever been decorated perfectly...FAR FROM IT! I think my frustration comes from me worrying about it too much. And I'm not going to do that to myself any more! I haven't been to your home in a long time, so I can't remember what it's like, but good for you not worrying and stressing about it.

Anonymous said...

I have that matchy-matchy problem too. I like my home to look like I've done something to it but I never quite I end up with an "almost done" look. Not great. It's those finishing touches I stink at. I've always thought you did a great job at decorating, by the way.