Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm getting sick. Yuck! My throat started hurting last night and I woke up several times during the night with my throat and my head hurting. I should've rested more today, but I did do a little Christmas shopping. Some online and some at Target. Now I'm wishing I had stayed home and slept. I need to rest tomorrow because tomorrow night is a birthday party for Dallin and two of his friends. We are celebrating all three boys' birthdays. They have Nov, Dec and Jan birthdays. The party is at our clubhouse. There will be pizza, soda, cake, loud music (the boys all put music on their ipods to be played on a Bose speaker), dancing and swimming/hot tubbing. The boys printed 100 invitations and passed them all out at school. And they've been telling people to bring friends. I hope we have enough food! But when you have a party, don't you usually only get about 40% turn-out? We'll see tomorrow night! I'm so glad we have the use of the clubhouse. I may have to take some Thera-Flu before the party. There will be another mom there with me. Hmmmm...2-4 adults and who-knows how many kids...we didn't plan that very well, did we?

1 comment:

Timani said...

That sounds like a kick butt party for Dallin with not enough adults...they'll like that! :)

Hope you feel better!