Sunday, January 6, 2008


Today was fairly non-eventful. It was fast Sunday. For anyone not familiar with "Fast Sunday" in connection with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it's the first Sunday of the month and we don't eat or drink for 24 hours. Usually the fast begins Saturday night after dinner and ends on Sunday at dinnertime. In addition to not eating, we donate money in the amount that you would normally spend on a meal (or more, if you want) to our church. It's called our Fast Offering and it's earmarked to help families in need. We can also ask in prayer for extra help on something for ourselves or others. Maybe for a sick person, person who is having a hard time personally, or if we need help from Heavenly Father with a big decision. There are lots of other reasons one can fast for. Church was wonderful. Lessons about reading the scriptures daily. In 2007 we studied the New Testament and 2008 is The Book of Mormon. One of my goals this year is to keep up on the reading for Sunday School. I can do it!
So after we got home from church (keep in mind we are still fasting), I go into the kitchen to whip up scalloped potatoes and ham, from scratch. I usually use a box and just add the ham. Well, the recipe called for 4 1/2 cups of potatoes and I read it as 4 potatoes. There is a big difference between the two! I made the sauce (butter, milk, flour, salt and pepper), poured it over and popped it into the oven. 45 minutes later the potatoes still were not done and it seemed dry. Then I re-read the recipe and figured out my mistake. And the whole time everyone is looking forward to a delicious dinner. Well, I had to make more sauce, pour that over it and cook some more. It's better, but not great. I think I'll stick with the box. :(
On a good note, I looked really cute today! I found a light yellow skinny skirt at a thrift store. Banana Republic and brand new! I wore that with black boots w/heels and a black wrap blouse. Oh, and yesterday David took me to the mall to get new jeans. I buy new jeans about every 2 years. I HATE shopping for jeans! But, I needed them. We went to Macy's and after trying about 12 pair I found two that WE liked. Thanks David, for taking me shopping. A perk of having a husband who works in apparel. He likes to shop and knows what's in style and what looks good.


Timani said...

Shopping, I bet that was fun, well fun finding the jean, not trying them all on. Go Dave! What a super great bargain on the skirt!
Saturday I made homemade scalloped potatoes, they were delicious! Only we used about 20 potatoes...LOL! Serious and I dumped a can of chicken stock on them before covering with foil they were so good. I also made chicken breasts dipped in egg then in bread crumbs with parmesean, basil, etc...double yum. I made a bunch so we could have leftovers after church. Don't give up on homemade scalloped potatoes...YOU CAN DO IT! :)

Timani said...

Oh and EXCELLENT goal on keeping up with Sunday School scripture reading. That's one of my goals also. I read all the scripts Sat night for Sunday's lesson and then spent the entire lesson in nursery with Lily because she's not quite legit to be in there...3 more Sundays. AAAHHH! We should check-in and encourage each other with our reading goal.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to keep up with the SS reading also. Hey how about a little fashion show? that skirt sounds super cute! What do the jeans look like??? I'd love to go shopping with Dave. I always have to go alone. :-(

Anonymous said...

Ok, that wasn't really was Debbie! I didn't realize he was signed in!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow...thanks for sharing your Church's tradition with us...very nice. Something I think every Church should do. Sorry about the potato problem...and you should have taken a pic of yourself looking all sexy and proudly posting it...I'm sure you definitely looked cute. Jean buying is a nightmare for me but hopefully not for long. ;)

illyse said...

Hi Stacey! Just stopping by to say hello! I loved your potatoes story! I once put a frozen pizza in the oven with the cardboard circle still on the bottom! Yea, I am a fantastic cook! ( not!)
How great that your hubby took you shopping! That wouldnt' fly in my house.. he hates to go shopping! ( although, he'll go to the grocery store for me and that's a definite PERK! ( i hate grocery shopping!)

scrapnchat said...

O.k...I have been wanting to go thrift store shopping for a while. Last time I went, I had no luck. I think you need to take me with you. I admire you for following your religious traditions. That is a tough one to follow-fasting...yikes. I love to eat....certainly dedication. Come scrap at the Bee with me...Heather

Ann-Marie said...

Don't feel bad about the potatoes, STacey. One time I made them, and I left out the milk. I was so excited for dinner, and then they were all crunchy and dry! Mom made everyone eat them anyway, but I felt really bad.
I wish Jerome liked to shop, but I HATE having him with me. He just makes these little noises that irritate me, because I know he wants to go, and it makes me feel rushed. I think he insists on going with me so I don't spend so much money!

echowein said...

Your skirt sounds cute! That's a really interesting tradition. Ryan is Jewish and there are a couple of High Holidays where they are to fast also.
By the way, what kind of jeans did youget? I'm always on the look out for the perfect jean! I buy too many. It's my weakness.