Thursday, November 22, 2007


51. recipes
52. electricity
53. teachers
54. libraries
55. puppies
56. waterfalls
57. good conversation
58. eye glasses
59. the color green!
60. my friend Cheryl who helped me redecorate my living room
61. "two-minute" mysteries
62. Chipotle
63. hot fudge sundaes
64. sunshine
65. vacuum cleaners
66. grandparents
67. aunts and uncles and cousins
68. seminary
69. the opportunity to feed the missionaries
70. neighbors
71. ward family
72. the Constitution
73. George Washington
74. Abraham Lincoln
75. french manicures

1 comment:

Timani said...

That's quite a list. Mine weren't very deep and pretty superficial. I thought about that after I reread by 101 things. But I'm not going to rewrite it. I could add more...nah. Good job!