Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pics from CHA

Some cute products and ideas. The little monster is adorable. If I had a little boy, I would plan a monster birthday party for him and make invitations, decorations, and treat bags. Somehow I don't think Dallin would appreciate the monsters for his 16th birthday as much as he would have for his 4th. :(


Dave Buck said...

My friends and I were just discussing birthday ideas. We decided we would like to hire a blacksmith and have him be the entertainment. What do you think?

Stacey said...

I think that would be great. But you've got to commit to the theme. Food should include homemade bread and jam and dried venison. You could send each guest home with a baby food jar of butter that they've shaken themselves along with a slingshot for the guys and a corncob doll for the girls. Invitations should be a small blackboard with details written in chalk.

Dave Buck said...

Dang. You're good at this.