Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of School

I'm glad we're back in action. We had a great summer, but it's nice to get back into the routine. Lauren and Dallin ride their bikes to the middle school (it takes about 20 minutes) and Sara walks across the street. I'm glad to be back at work although the library is still messy. I'm working on getting it ready for students, but there are still some workbooks, CDs and charts that need to be delivered to the classrooms they belong in. That should be completed tomorrow and then I can really get my stuff arranged. I'm still waiting on a rug I ordered. I hope it gets here soon. It has 30 squares on it so each student can sit on one while I read to them or do a "book-talk". I finished organizing my files and cupboards today. I also found out that the PTA is doubling my budget this year! YES! I'm so excited about that. Can't wait to start ordering books! Tomorrow I want to start pulling books about libraries, back to school, reading, etc for a special area I have set up for books I want to spotlight. Of course, October will be Halloween, pumpkins, harvest, apples.

Speaking on Halloween, I've got a lot of ideas floating around in my head for Halloween gifts/decor. I'm headed to some thrift stores this weekend to start gathering supplies. I see some busy weekends in my future!


Anonymous said...

I wish you were our Elementary's Librarian! You sound so FUN!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm impressed. Sounds like you are a great librarian! And I know what a great mom you are. So...dang, girl! Good job. I'm having trouble just rolling out of bed in the morning. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Stacey, your kids are soooo cute!!! I love the pictures; Sara looks extra cute, just like a little school girl.