Friday, August 15, 2008

Junior Track Nationals

This week is Jr. Track Nationals. Dallin has been looking forward to it for a couple of months. We are lucky enough to have it in Carson this year. Last year it was in Colorado and the year before it was in Pennsylvania. My pictures are not very clear. The first is Dallin on the track warming up and the second is a shot of the infield where all of the cyclists are set-up in little waist high "cubbies" made of fencing. Dallin and two girls are the only members of their team (Sho-Air) that are competing. They are sharing a "cubbie" which is nice because we don't have to bring everything. We share a trainer (for the kids to warm-up or cool-down on), chairs, bike pump, etc. He's already competed in one race. It was a 200 meter sprint qualifier. There are 31 kids (for all over the country) in Dallin's age group. He got 23rd and took .3 seconds off of his previous best time. That doesn't sound like much, but it's quite a bit in that short of a distance. He was very pleased with that. Dallin is 14 and because he turns 15 during 2008 (Dec. 16), he has to compete with boys that are 15 and 16. That's the drawback of a December birthday...sorry Dallin! He's got three races left: 500 M Time Trial (alone on the track...just against the clock), 8K Scratch Race (mass start...1st, 2nd, 3rd place), 15K Points Race (every ten laps the 1st-5th place crossing the line get points and at the end of the race the rider with the most points wins). The last one is pretty fun because the winner of the race may not have crossed the line first during the race at all!

Good luck Dallin :)


Timani said...

Good job Dallin.

Sorry took so long to post a comment, with the minimal summer updates, I rarely check it. hint hint ;)

Did you all go to Carson? How was it there?

Natalie said...

Way to go Dallin!! That's a big race to be in, I'm proud of him for just being there!!