Sunday, June 3, 2007

I went to Crate & Barrel and spent the rest of the gift card that David and the kids got me for my birthday (I can't believe it's lasted since January). I bought a new tablecloth, some silk peonies and river rocks. My friend Michelle had given me the vase several years ago. I totally copied the centerpiece from a Crate & Barrel display. It's exactly the same. But I really loved it and wanted it on my table! The flowers look real. David, Dion, Dallin and Sara thought they were real. Dion even asked way I didn't have water in the vase! I also put curtains up last week. It amazing how much more cozy the house seems! I love it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to see the curtains! But I do love the table. Gorgeous. I could never have a table cloth or centerpiece like would last about a minute. My boys have no taste. They would just set it aside and make a mess, as usual. LOL